Sunday, September 25, 2005

ROK Update

Hey everyone, it is B-rent again. I am doing fine here in Korea. I have been having a pretty good time here lately. We started our flag football season off on Saturday and our team won. We played today (Sunday in Korea) and lost our first game to last year's base champions. We were ahead the whole time, but they tied it up just before the game was over and we lost in overtime. It was a tough loss because the other team talked crap the whole time and did everything they could to cheat the system in order to get the win. For those that don't know, I hate it when people talk smack. I love the look on their faces when they lose. Unfortunately, this didn't happen on this day. However, I will not forget when we meet these busters again in the playoffs. I did my best impression of Champ Bailey from the corner postion and knocked down or intercepted anything that was thrown to my side.

I have been out of school about a week now, but I have to start back next week. Every day is a day closer to finally getting my degree finished. It has been a very long and tough road trying to get this accomplished while in the military, but I can finally see it happening in the near future. It is 11pm Sunday night here and I need to get some rest because I have to run 3 miles in the morning, so I will talk to you all later.


1 comment:

Jill, Chuck, and Andrew said...

Champ Bailey? You play football more like Chump Bailey.