Monday, September 17, 2007

The dreaded birthday

Last-minute birthday celebration in July at On the Border, one of my fave places to eat...its a cheese dip thing, and if you don't like cheese dip, then you won't understand.
And when I say last-minute, I mean it - it wasn't finalized until that afternoon...that is how I roll these days, though I'm trying to get back to the planning, since I am much more sane and productive that way.

We are about to break into the homemade Red Velvet Cake made especially for me by my friend Colby. It was AWESOME!!!! I definitely did not want to share.

The prom picture :) Will, Jason, Colby, Susan, Kobs, me, and B

And now the crazy picture - these are always fun.
Thank you all for making this (dreaded) birthday so special. Thanks also to all of the cards and gift certificates I rec'd from others - I look forward to the books, coffee, and fondue that I get to enjoy in the near future as a result of your generosity.


Anonymous said...

I'm such a loser.....I completely forgot your birthday!!!

Happy belated B-day. Miss you!


Anonymous said...

There is a space in those birthday pictures for me!!
Love Uncle C

JDRichSLP said...

You are not a loser Rico. You are just getting old :) I miss you too.

And believe me Uncle C, you were there with me - how in the world can I ever celebrate my b-day w/out thinking of you???