Hey everyone, I am checking in again with some pretty good news. No, the available in the title isn't what you think... I am happily married- sorry ladies. I got some good news about getting out of the Air Force and finishing up in the Guard. This is a lot better because I will be able to live at home with Jess and I will only have to do the AF thing on weekends (1 weekend a month). It still isn't 100% for sure, but it is looking pretty good. So, back to the available. I am available for a job in the near future, so be on the lookout for me in the IT/Telecommuncations world. I have tried the online job websites, but they're not bringing the results that I desperately need. However, they can bring me better results for a mere $150 bucks- what a scam! Did you not hear me? I need a job... hence-to-forth, I don't have the $150 smackers. Anyway, this is my update for now. I will bring more news as I get it. Until then, pray for Jess and I as we go further in this process. It is scary! Talk to you soon.
"Hence-to-forth, your situation would be concurrently improved if you had..." a well-paying job right now :) With a "retainer..." - Love you - your wifey
Yahoo in the ATL. Interested?
Who the heck wrote this? I just can't see Brent saying 'hence-to-forth'. Must be that new diploma talking!
He is quoting "Good Will Hunting", his favorite move in the whole world............When Ben Affleck goes in as Matt Damons "chief negotiator"
I have not seen that movie in forever!
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