Saturday, August 13, 2011

Light and Hope

Lenorah Hope Richardson decided to arrive on August the 10th.

She gave us quite a scare - and that is an understatement, as I still start to shake when I think of the events of the afternoon - but she is here safe and sound.

She tried to come naturally, but something stopped her. Everytime I had long intense contractions, her heart rate would drop drastically..... even off the grid for nearly 5 minutes.

Terror. Desperation. That is what I knew in those moments. And Brent's eyes. And prayer.

She stabilized. Then it happened again. She stabilized. Then it happened again.

Five minutes later, I was on the table receiving an emergency C-section. And the doctor says "No wonder!" And Brent goes away. And I hear a cry. Finally.

It ends up her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck 3 times. And when I would have a contraction and she would descend, it was choking her. Hence the "No wonder!"

But she is here. And she is wonderful and beautiful. And she has brought more light into our world. And she is everything we had hoped for.


Anonymous said...

Now your family is absolutely perfect.
love, grandma janice

Rachel H. said...

so happy for you, and so happy for the miracle of modern medicine that can bring these babies safely into the world!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet, darling baby girl! A tiny bundle of blessings!
sister of grandma janice

Drive?Drive?Drive? said...

You need to change your bio so that it includes 'mother':)