Friday, September 25, 2009

sure is good to be runnin' again

I have a little "flair" on my car - a Hilton Head Island magnet, a UGA magnet, and a 13.1 magnet of which I'm pretty proud. That is the distance of a half-marathon, and I ran one in Atlanta nearly 2 years ago with my friend Colby. I am proud b/c .... well, that half-mara nearly killed me.... and I did it as a plus-size gal.... scoring one for the big girls.

So, I'm driving along today, on the way back from Charleston, and I see a sticker on this woman's car. 52.4 it boasted. 52.4! Seriously!?! You ran a double marathon? You couldn't even stop at 1 full marathon? Or 1 and a half? You went for a double??? Crazy. My 13.1 lost a little of its luster as she passed me on the interstate.

But, it got me to thinking. I'm ready to train for another event. The dissertation experience was incredibly hard on my body. I mostly paid for it in pounds. And I'm ready to lose them. So, I'm putting it out there....
I am going to train for the Nashville Country Music Half-Marathon. It will be April 24th, 2010. No, I don't particularly like Nash-vegas. No, I'm not a country music fan. But, it has gotten good ratings and it gives me about 7 months to train.
Anyone want to join me???


Man of the house said...


CMM was my first was a great experience!

Why anyone would do an ultramarathon I'll never understand.

CButzon said...

Let's do it, girl! Amy did the Nashville one a few years ago, and I work with several people who have done it. It is supposed to be very good. Lots of music all along the race course. My body has gotten way out of shape ever since our ING, so I need to get training for this. The only thing that has ever helped me stay in shape is knowing that you were holding me accountable. So here we go!