Monday, May 29, 2006

TRI - Packing up

Originally uploaded by eighteenbucks.

Packing up the cars on Friday before the triathlon. This car carried 6 bikes!

We drove up to Clemson Friday afternoon. One of the team member's parents put us up in their house for the night - 13 of us! And, they even fed us - ALL OF US! And we are talking some HUNGRY carb-loading boys and girls. They made spaghetti - the real kind - and fresh salad and fruit. They were so nice and generous.

We went to the race site and drove the course - this is when my real sickness began. The hills...and then there were more hills...and then after that, even more. I honestly thought that I was going to cry.

That night, our uniforms arrived at around 10pm, just when we were trying to settle in. But of course, the uniforms had to be tried on and modeled (not by me, of course :). So, we all ended up horsing around and being silly until about midnight. I crashed somewhere upstairs, but of course did not sleep a wink - I was SO NERVOUS!!! I think the last time I looked at the clock was shortly after 4 am, and then before I knew it, I was waking up at 5:15 because we had to leave at 6am. So, though incredibly tired the next morning, it didn't matter. Once you get to the race site, your heart is pumping like CRAZY!

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